The Vautour in Israeli Service Squadron 110 1957-1971
Autore: Shlomo Aloni
Codice: 2311008
Il Vautour francese fu concepito come aereo d’attacco, bombardiere nonché caccia notturno. Israele fu l’unica nazione ad acquistare ed impiegare i tre tipi di questo velivolo. Il libro ne traccia l’impiego con lo Squadrone 110 durante il periodo 1957-1971 anche attraverso una ricca iconografia a colori e in bianco e nero.
The French Vautour was designed to serve as an attack aircraft, bomber and nightfighter. Israel purchased all three versions and was the only nation to operate all three types. Sqdn.110 recon Vautours collected imagery crucial for IAF Operation Focus, the pre-emptive strike that opened the June 1967 Six Day War. It was during this war that Sqdn. 110 attack Vautours spearheaded the IAF air superiority offensive.
400 foto a colori e in bianco e nero