Codice: 613DM002216
Monografie, altamente illustrate, con foto dell’aereo in volo e a terra con particolari di interni (cockpit, motore, carrello, armamento, ecc.). Ampia didascalia descrittiva a corredo di ogni foto e disegni al tratto a più viste con dettagliata nomenclatura.
Covers all aircraft used by USAF in that conflict with in-depth first person narratives added. The color pages are all photos, the covers are Lou Drendels paintings. Most photos and the two-paintings have never been published before. In addition to the photographic history of a long series of deployments by a myriad of USAF aircraft, from the fighters that were the tip of the spear to the support aircraft that performed logistical and special missions, we have included combat narratives, and a very thoughtful and accurate assessment of the war by retired USAF General Baughn who flew early Rolling Thunder missions, and then was assigned to Saigon at the war's end.
numerose foto in bianco e nero e16 pagine di foto a colori