Autore: Justo Miranda
Codice: 216021
Illustrato con foto a colori e in bianco e nero presenta i rivoluzionari progetti tedeschi per la Luftwaffe. Progetti arrivati troppo tardi per essere realizzati e impiegati durante la seconda guerra mondiale.
It might have happened. With the Allied forces pushing into Germany, a desperate Hitler launched the next breed of German aircraft. Imagine a strange triangular bomber that could not be detected by radar or intercepted by fighters launches an inextinguishable ball of fire over London which destroys the city and its surroundings up to the sea. Or perhaps a black boomerang of sixty meters drops two tons of anthrax over Washington and New York, making them uninhabitable for fifty years. A bombing raid experiences massive casualties, savaged by an armada of new German fighters, a like that the Allied gunners had never seen before. They are dart shaped, too fast for the gunners to take aim, so the new Nazi flying wings and triangles decimate the bombers with their cannon fire and missiles that were automatically activated by photo-electric cells. These things never happened. However, the construction of secret flying wings had commenced at the start of 1945 and one extraordinary new fighter took to the skies on its only test flight. If these radical fighters of the Luftwaffe had been pressed into service earlier, they may well have changed the outcome of the Second World War. Profusely illustrated with technical drawings and fascinating data and information on the Luftwaffe’s most radical fighter and bomber projects, The Ultimate Flying Wings of the Luftwaffe chronicles these revolutionary designs. A fascinating book for the military historian, enthusiastic modelers and those interested in the more extreme side of World War 2 aviation, this book shows how advanced German scientists were towards the end of the Second World War and how close Hitler may have come in winning after all.
133 tra foto in bianco e nero e disegno al tratto
17 x 25