Men at Arms 464
Autore: Nigel Thomas
Codice: 228H001464
Una splendida collana di volumi illustrati dai più famosi disegnatori: ogni opera offre una panoramica sintetica ma completa sulle uniformi, le insegne, gli equipaggiamenti, ecc. di famosi corpi militari dalle legioni romane alla seconda guerra mondiale e oltre.
This book is a detailed analysis of the Soviet Army at the outbreak of World War II, including the Red Army’s campaigns against Japan on the Manchurian plains as well as in Finland. It covers the Red Army’s first operations during Operation Barbarossa when the Red Army was forced to defend Mother Russia against the German onslaught. It offers a breakdown of all the armed forces including the army, air force, paratroopers, navy and NKVD troops. In particular it covers the evolution of uniforms, equipment and insignia with the introduction of new regulations in 1935 and 1940.