Facts and Figures
Autore: Ra'anan Weiss
Codice: 449005
Resoconto giorno per giorno delle attività svolte dalle forze aeree israeliane durante la guerra del Yom Kippur dell’ottobre 1973. La ricca iconografia comprende oltre 800 illustrazioni a colori e in bianco e nero e 25 profili a colori
This new book by Ra'anan Weiss is the ultimate and most comprehensive day-by-day account of the Yom Kippur War during October 1973, based on official IDF/AF internal documents, which were labeled secret for a very long time to the public eye. Contrary to Tom Cooper's 'Arab MiGs – Part 5', whose research is mainly based on 'hear-say', unconfirmed log-book entries and pilots' memories, Ra'anan Weiss is only quoting official results confirmed by Israeli intelligence branches and IDF/AF internal offices, opening their archives for the author. Although these sources might be incomplete as well, this publication is a welcome and very interesting gathering of hitherto unpublished information on Israeli aerial victories, aerial losses as well as a complete and careful documentation of Israeli air strikes against Egyptian and Syrian installations and forces. Rounded-up by a plethora of operational summaries, maps and tables this is the book to have, when interested in warfare in the Middle East.
Abbondantemente illustrato con oltre 800 illustrazioni a colori e in bianco e nero, 25 profili a colori