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The Anatomy of the Ship

Autore: John Roberts

Codice: 285EM009028

€ 21,00

Ogni volume fornisce la più completa ed autorevole documentazione sulla nave presa in esame. Attraverso centinaia di disegni al tratto offre agli appassionati e ai modellisti tutti i dettagli necessari per poter realizzare un modello il più realistico possibile. Fornisce inoltre la storia completa della nave dal suo varo. 

Launched in 1906, HMS Dreadnought was the first ‘all-big-gun’ battleship and as such revolutionised battleship design for more than a generation. She was built at Portsmouth in 14 months, a record which has never been equalled, and when she was launched she was superior in both firepower and speed to anything then afloat. Perhaps even more radical than her design was the proposal to adopt Parsons turbines which at the time had been hardly tested. Though she saw little action during her career, her influence was profound and she gave her name to a class of ship that dominated the high seas for more than a generation. The ‘Anatomy of the Ship’ series aims to provide the finest documentation of individual ships and ship types ever published. What makes the series unique is a complete set of superbly executed line drawings, both the conventional type of plan as well as explanatory views, with fully descriptive keys. These are supported by technical details and a record of the ship’s service history.




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