
Spitfire V vs C.202 Folgore: Malta 1942


Autore: Donald Nijboer

Codice: 228M110060

€ 19,50

Collana della Osprey Publishing dedicata ai modellisti, giocatori di wargames e agli appassionati di storia militare di ogni età. Ogni volume mette a confronto 2 aerei, o 2 mezzi corazzati, 2 navi, 2 armi, 2 tipi di armamento, ecc. protagonisti del 20° secolo. Ne segue l’origine e lo sviluppo con ampia trattazione delle innovazioni tecnologiche e tattiche introdotte, fornisce tutti i dati tecnici, le caratteristiche e particolari vari. L’iconografia comprende accurati artwork digitali a colori anche degli interni, disegni al tratto e vari  “gun sight views” dei mezzi in azione sui campi di battaglia.

The inability of the Italians and Germans to invade Malta proved decisive for Allied victory in the Mediterranean during World War II, as the islands provided the Allies with a base from which to project air power. Early Italian efforts to pound the islands into submission were supplemented by major German forces from January 1942 and in a few weeks the situation for the defenders reached a critical stage; in response, in March 1942 the first Spitfires were delivered to Malta. Throughout the summer C.202s fought over Malta, escorting tiny formations of Cant Z.1007s, SM.79s and Ju 88s. The fighting subsided in August and September, but grew in strength with the arrival of more C.202s. In October the Regia Aeronautica could muster three Gruppi with a total of 74 C.202s. For ten days the Italians pressed a relentless attack before attrition brought the offensive to a halt. Throughout the bombing campaign the British were able to supply Malta with ever increasing numbers of Spitfires.




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