Sopwith Pup Aces of World War 1
Aircraft of the Aces
Codice: 228D084067
Serie della Osprey inglese dedicata agli aerei più famosi dalle due Guerre Mondiali ad oggi.
The Sopwith Pup was the forerunner of the hugely successful Sopwith Camel, which duly became the most successful fighter of World War 1. The first proper British fighting scout, the first Pups – the Royal Naval Air Service – arrived on the Western Front in 1916. Although regarded as a ‘nice’ aeroplane to fly, pilots who used it in combat gained much success during the first half of 1917. The Royal Flying Corps also used the Pup from January 1917 onwards, with the final combats with the machine occurring in December of that year. This book describes the combat careers of the successful Pup aces, how they flew and how they fought.
90 foto in b/n, 24 pagine di profili a colori