The British Military Paintings of Orlando Norie
Autore: Peter Harrington, Michel Tomasek
Codice: 231689
Riproduce 180 tavole a colori di Orlando Norie dedicate alle uniformi dell’esercito britannico del periodo Vittoriano. Le tavole, custodite in maggior parte presso la Anne S.K. Brown Miltiary Collection alla Brown University Library negli Stati Uniti, illustrano soldati in uniforme, tavole d’insieme e scene di battaglia e vengono corredate da un commento di Peter Harrington.
Orlando Norie is considered to have been one of the foremost illustrators of the British army in the 19th century, with thousands of watercolors to his credit in public and private collections. His pictures are highly sought after and command high prices. Yet his life remained a mystery that is only now being uncovered. Many of these wonderful pictures are revealed here for the first time. The Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection in Brown University Library, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, possesses one of the largest, if not the largest public collection of original military watercolors by Orlando Norie. The pictures in the Brown military collection range from single figure uniform studies or composites, to genre and battle scenes and at least one named portrait. These are published as a group for the first time along with Michel Tomasek’s masterful account of Norie’s life, including comments on the artist’s British pictures by Peter Harrington.
180 tavole a colori