Pharsalus 48 BC
Codice: 228LG015174
€ 22,00
Nota serie curata dallo storico David Chandler. Ogni volume, attraverso 70 foto in bianco e nero, 10 tavole a colori e 3 mappe, fornisce dettagliati resoconti delle varie campagne esaminate. Di notevole interesse per gli appassionati di storia e giocatori di wargame. Ogni volume termina con una breve guida al campo di battaglia oggi.
In 48 BC, the stage was set for the final clash of the two titans of the Roman world and the odds were heavily in Pompey's favour, with 45,000 men against Caesar's 22,000. Having the dice loaded against him, however, seems to have stimulated Caesar's genius for battle. In a brilliant display of generalship he routed his rival's larger army. Pompey's army retreated, with Caesar's army in parallel pursuit, until, their general having escaped, Pompey's men finally surrendered. Simon Sheppard expertly charts the events surrounding the Pharsalus campaign, and the seismic implications of the decisive clash between the two greatest generals of their age.