

Battle over Malta: June 1940 – September 1941

Autore: Tony O'Toole

Codice: 362008

€ 33,00

Volume di 176 pagine riccamente illustrato con 132 foto in bianco e nero, 9 a colori, 2 mappe e 30 pagine di artwork a colori che fornisce una dettaglia storia della Battaglia di Malta con particolare attenzione alle battaglie aeree e agli aerei coinvolti nei combattimenti dal giugno 1940 al settembre 1941. Molto utili per i modellisti i capitoli dedicati al camouflage e ai markings. Un secondo volume che continuerà l'accurata trattazione è in preparazione.


The Air Battle of Malta has been the topic of countless books since the end of World War Two and has always been a subject of great interest to the author who has produced a detailed narrative, primarily from the Allies perspective, of Malta’s aerial defence (and offence) from June 1940 to September 1941. This volume deals with the early years of the siege imposed upon Malta when small numbers of RAF Sea Gladiators and Hurricanes, occasionally accompanied by a handful of Fleet Air Arm Fulmars, blunted Axis aerial attacks against the islands at a time when an embryonic Malta-based strike force began to emerge that would develop to become the scourge of Axis supply convoys across the Mediterranean. An additional aspect of the author’s approach to this book is his fresh examination of the camouflage schemes worn by the combatant aircraft involved in this battle, particularly those employed by the British. Using evidence garnered from a number of sources, including interviews and correspondence with veterans and by reinterpretation of selected photographs, reappraisals of the colours worn by many of the aircraft are considered.




Riccamente illustrato a colori e in bianco e nero
