
Macedonian Warrior

Alexander's elite infantryman

Codice: 228H016103

€ 17,00

Fantastica serie che costituisce per gli storici e gli appassionati una ricca fonte di informazioni su armi, armamenti, addestramento e motivazioni dei più famosi combattenti del mondo; dal passato al presente.

During the reigns of Philip II and Alexander the Great, the Macedonian Army – the phalangites – were reformed and drilled into an invincible fighting force with unique tactics and weaponry. The Macedonian warrior during his service would march over 20,000 miles in the most diverse climates and terrains, fighting in four of the epoch battles of the time. This book examines their initial training, rise to an elite unit under Alexander the Great, and eventual defeat at the battle of Pydna, 168 BC. The daily life, weaponry, experience, and motivations of these men are detailed, using primary sources and anecdotal material.