
Leichte Feldhaubitze 18, GW II fur le.F.H. 18/2 "Wespe" and "Hummel-Wespe"

Nuts & Bolts Vol. 33

Autore: NUTS & BOLTS

Codice: 464MC001033

€ 40,00

Interessante e dettagliata serie di volumi preparata da noti modellisti di tutto il mondo. Prende in dettagliato esamei Panzerwerfer e Nebelwerfers con informazioni e dati inediti su questo equipaggiamento. Come sempre la ricca iconografia che comprende foto dell’epoca e disegni al tratto sara particolarmente apprezzata dai modellisti.

Nuova edizione riveduta e ampliata del vecchio numero 2 della serie.

It was more than 18 years since we published Nuts & Bolts Vol. 02 on the „Wespe“. It contained a short summary of the vehicle and brief descriptions to accompany the surviving vehicle photographs in museums and collections. Since then Nuts & Bolts has constantly evolved and improved. Historic photos, tables of organization and equipment, informations about the delivery of the vehicles to the units and the vehicle’s use in active service have been added. Every issue has these features together with 2D & 3D scale drawings, camouflage plates and a model section to complete what we believe is the most comprehensive study of each represented vehicle. Historically the “Wespe” is an important addition to the German Army equipment and therefore we think it is appropriate to offer to our readers a totally new issue with all these additional features on the “Wespe”. Additionally, the 10.5 cm leichte Feldhaubitze 18M, which armed the “Wespe” and the „Hummel-Wespe“ have also been included in considerable detail.




353 foto tra cui 198 foto storiche in bianco e nero, 40 di modelli e 115 foto a colori, 40 disegni al tratto, 13 profili,




22 X 28