

Codice: 228M024185

€ 17,50

Serie molto apprezzata dai modellisti e appassionati di mezzi corazzati. Ogni volume fornisce la storia completa dello sviluppo, del design e dell'impiego operativo di un famoso mezzo corazzato o pezzo d'artiglieria. Il testo, scritto dai massimi esperti della materia è essenziale ma esauriente. L'iconografia comprende foto dei mezzi in azione e di dettagli; le stupende tavole a colori e i disegni al tratto sono di grande aiuto per i modellisti.

The Light Armored Vehicle 25 (LAV-25) has played a significant role in transforming United States Marine Corps doctrine since its introduction in the early 1980s. The Marine Corps’ Light Armored Vehicle program was based on the proven Swiss MOWAG Piranha series of 4x4, 6x6, and 8x8 wheeled vehicles. However, developing organizational units, tactics, and employment of the weapon system within the force structure of the Marine Corps proved to be more of a challenge than fielding the weapon system. This resulted in multiple re-designations for LAV units within the Corps. The LAV first saw combat in Panama during Operation Just Cause and LAV-25s have fought in every major conflict since, including Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. This book covers the design, development, and deployment of this continuingly successful vehicle.




foto in b/n e 8 tavole a colori
