LaGG & Lavochkin Aces of World War 2
Aircraft of the Aces
Codice: 228D084056
Serie della Osprey inglese dedicata agli aerei più famosi dalle due Guerre Mondiali ad oggi.
This book examines the LaGG family of fighters, that were amongst the first modern piston-engined interceptors made available to the Red Air Forces in early 1941and proved far better fighters than their radial-engined predecessors. Despite technical maladies and political interference from Moscow, the LaGG-3 matured into an effective fighter when flown to its strengths at low level. Many early Soviet aces were weaned on the LaGG-3, and if they survived the early massacres of 1941-42, they went on to fly the Lavochkin family of fighters. Indeed, the Lavochkin La-3, -5 and -7 were the fighters of choice for Heroes of the Soviet Union such as Ivan Kozhedub, who claimed 62 kills.
90 foto in b/n, 24 pagine di profili a colori