
Japanese Infantryman 1937-45

Sword of the Empire

Codice: 228H016095

€ 17,00

Fantastica serie che costituisce per gli storici e gli appassionati una ricca fonte di informazioni su armi, armamenti, addestramento e motivazioni dei più famosi combattenti del mondo; dal passato al presente.

This book examines in detail the Japanese Infantryman who was, despite comparisons with the notorious German Waffen SS, an enigma to Westerners. Brutal in its treatment of prisoners as well as the inhabitants of the areas that it conquered, the Imperial Japanese Army also had exacting standards for its own men - strict codes of honor compelled Japanese soldiers to fight to the death against the more technologically advanced Allies. Identifying the ways in which the Japanese soldier differed from his Western counterpart, the author explores concepts such as Bushido, Seppuku, Shiki and Hakko Ichi-u in order to understand what motivated Japanese warriors.