
Israeli Elite Units since 1948

Codice: 228H032018

€ 19,00

Ogni volume di 64 pag., 12 pag. di dis. artistici a col. con oltre 40 foto in bianco e nero descrive nei minimi dettagli le uniformi, le armi, l'equipaggiamento, i fregi e i distintivi di ogni Elite Force.

In 1947, when the UN partitioned Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, the true war for Israel's existence began. Throughout the War of Independence the PAL'MACH (Hebrew abbreviation for 'Strike Companies') spearheaded Israel's forces. Disbanded in 1949, the PAL'MACH was replaced by other specialist units, including paratroop forces, the GOLANI Infantry Brigade, the Naval Commandos, and territorial and other reconnaissance commando formations. An acknowledged expert on the Israeli Defence Forces, Samuel Katz presents an overview of these IDF elite units, including the mysterious SAYERET MAT'KAL, a highly classified elite unit whose exploits involve the 1972 raid on a hijacked Belgian Sabena Boeing 707.