Landsturm Uniforms & Equipment, Colonial Uniforms in China, Africa, the Southseas, and Orient, the Tropical Helmet, Cyclist (Radfahrer) Equipment, Horse Equipment, Map Cases, Wartime Substitute (Ersatz) Uniforms and Equipment
Autore: Johan Somers
Codice: 231774003
Opera in più volumi dedicata alla vasta gamma di uniformi, armi ed equipaggiamenti da campo impiegati dall’esercito Imperiale tedesco durante la prima guerra mondiale. Attraverso centinaia di foto d’epoca e foto a colori scattate in musei e collezioni pubbliche e private vengono illustrati: uniformi, elmetti, maschere anti-gas, mine, dirigibili, aerei, lancia-fiamme, mitragliatrici, mezzi corazzati, ecc.
This third volume in the series further provides the reader with an insight into the wide range of uniforms, weapons and field equipment used by the Imperial German Army during World War I. Using over 600 period photographs and color images from items out of private collections and museums, the author displays a broad range of artifacts to the reader, together with detailed descriptions. Topics covered in this volume include: Landsturm Uniforms and Equipment; Cyclist (Radfahrer) Equipment; Colonial Uniforms in China 1898-1918; Colonial Uniforms (Africa and the Southseas); Colonial Police Uniforms (Africa and the Southseas); Horse Equipment; and many other rare and unusual topics.
500 foto a colori e in bianco e nero