Autore: Hilary Doyle
Codice: 228M024015
Serie molto apprezzata dai modellisti e appassionati di mezzi corazzati. Ogni volume fornisce la storia completa dello sviluppo, del design e dell'impiego operativo di un famoso mezzo corazzato o pezzo d'artiglieria. Il testo, scritto dai massimi esperti della materia è essenziale ma esauriente. L'iconografia comprende foto dei mezzi in azione e di dettagli; le stupende tavole a colori e i disegni al tratto sono di grande aiuto per i modellisti.
The first attempt at mounting a flamethrower in a German tank was not the result of an engineering design process but rather occurred as a field expedient, when German troops involved in the Spanish Civil War mounted small back-pack flamethrowers on their PzKpfw Is. The German authorities took up this idea and from early 1939 began to design a flamethrowing tank based on the Panzer II. This was the first in a long line of German tanks to be equipped with flamethrowers. During World War II versions of the Panzer III, Sturmgeschütz and half-track were all given flamethrowers. This book examines their development, weapons and operational use, often using original German combat reports.
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