With price guide
Autore: Joseph V. Saitta
Codice: 231HY836
455 foto a colori illustrano fibbie maschili del 19° e 20° secolo di tutto il mondo. Fibbie militari, delle forze dell’ordine, dei pompieri, dei gruppi giovanili e del Vecchio West nonché fibbie che celano oggetti vari quali: accendini, coltelli e perfino armi da fuoco. La breve didascalia a corredo di ogni foto fornisce i dati essenziali e un’indicazione del valore sul mercato collezionistico.
455 beautiful color photographs and engaging text showcase mens belt buckles from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Military, police, fire service, western, and youth group buckles are well represented, along with intriguing multi-function buckles containing cigarette lighters, knives, and guns. Masculine lifestyles are reflected through these personalized buckles, ranging from buckles used by scouting organizations worldwide and bronc riding champions to those employed by the Highway Patrol and Secret Service. Collecting tips and values are included. This is an excellent reference for the dealer and collector, and an inspirational guide for clothing and jewelry designers and fashion historians.
455 foto a colori