C-47/R4D Units of the ETO and MTO
Codice: 228D008054
Belle illustrazioni, profili a colori e foto d'archivio documentano gli aerei, gli equipaggi, le uniformi e nel dettagliato testo vengono ampiamente discusse le tattiche impiegate in combattimento su tutti i teatri di guerra.
The C-47 units of the USAAF were an integral part of some of the most dramatic episodes of the European war: the airborne assaults in North Africa, Sicily, Normandy, southern France, Operation Market Garden and the crossing of the Rhine. The mass fratricide off Sicily, the night drop for D-Day and the Bastogne supply missions are also covered, along with more typical accounts of training, formation flying, airdrops and casualty evacuation missions. This book details an aircraft that remains a popular favourite and an acknowledged design classic, carrying out missions every bit as strategically important and as dramatic for the aircrew as those of the fighters and bombers.
90 foto in b/n, 10 pagine di profili a colori