New Revised Edition
Autore: R.A. Burt
Codice: 220E032
Nuova edizione riveduta e con l'aggiunta di 70 nuove fotografie inedite di questo classico da tempo introvabile sul mercato. Presenta in grande dettaglio l'evoluzione delle navi da battaglia e degli incrociatori da battaglia della Royal Navy dal 1919 al 1945 con informazioni sulle modifiche apportate, gli armamenti, la propulsione e una analisi delle prestazioni in battaglia. La ricca iconografia e sarà sicuramente gradita agli appassionati di marina, di storia navale nonché i modellisti.
This superb reference book achieved the status of 'classic' soon after its first publication in 1993; it was soon out of print and is now one of the most sought-after naval reference books.
And with good reason. Offering an unprecedented range of descriptive and illustrative detail, the author describes the evolution of the battleship classes through all their modifications and refits. As well as dealing with design features, armour, machinery and power plants and weaponry, he also examines the performance of the ships in battle and analyses their successes and failures; and as well as covering all the RN's battleships and battlecruisers, he also looks in detail at the aircraft carrier conversions of the WWI battlecruisers Furious, Glorious and Courageous.
British Battleships 1919-1939 is a masterpiece of research and the comprehensive text is accompanied by tabular detail and certainly the finest collection of photographs and line drawings ever offered in such a book. For this new edition the author has added some 75 new photographs, many of them having never appeared in print before, and the book has been completely redesigned to fully exploit the superb photo collection.
A delight for the historian, enthusiast and ship modeller, it is a volume that is already regarded as an essential reference work for this most significant era in naval history and ship design.
300 foto in b/n, 325 disegni al tratto