Bf 109 F/G/K Aces of the Western Front
Aircraft of the Aces 29
Autore: John Weal
Codice: 228D084029
Serie della Osprey inglese dedicata agli aerei più famosi dalle due Guerre Mondiali ad oggi.
The follow--on volume to Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 11 - Bf 109D/E Aces 1939-41, this book charts the story of the myriad aces who flew the later marks of Messerschmitt fighter through to VE-Day. As good as the Emil had been during the opening 18 months of the war, the aircraft was being progressively bettered in virtually all aspects of aerial combat by the Spitfire come 1941, so Messerschmitt updated and improved the breed, firstly with the introduction of the Friedrich and then the multi-variant Gustav.
90 foto in b/n, 24 pagine di profili a colori
18,5 X 25