B-57 Canberra Units of the Vietnam War
Codice: 228D008085
Belle illustrazioni, profili a colori e foto d'archivio documentano gli aerei, gli equipaggi, le uniformi e nel dettagliato testo vengono ampiamente discusse le tattiche impiegate in combattimento su tutti i teatri di guerra.
The B-57 Canberra was the first jet-powered American attack aircraft committed to the Vietnam War. Involved in day-to-day interdiction missions as well as in classified “black” missions and a starring role in Operation Rolling Thunder; the B-57 evolved to become one of the most valuable weapons in the USAF inventory. The B-57E was involved in the Patricia Lynn missions, parts of which remain classified. This book also fully documents the role of the Australian Canberra B-20 in working alongside the B-57. Featuring scores of previously unpublished photographs; the story of the B-57 is the story of the Vietnam War.
90 foto in b/n, 10 pagine di profili a colori