Air War in the Gulf 1991
Codice: 228D008027
Belle illustrazioni, profili a colori e foto d'archivio documentano gli aerei, gli equipaggi, le uniformi e nel dettagliato testo vengono ampiamente discusse le tattiche impiegate in combattimento su tutti i teatri di guerra.
In August 1990 Saddam Hussein's Iraqi forces invaded and occupied the small Arab state of Kuwait. This book analyses the ensuing Gulf War (16 January - 28 February 1991) - a war fought to expel Iraq and restore Kuwaiti independence if not, as one British MP tartly observed, to defend democracy. The allies under General Schwarzkopf launched five weeks of air attacks, deploying 1,800 technologically highly advanced aircraft from the US, British, French and Saudi air forces. Many of these machines, including the British Tornadoes and US F-117A Stealth fighters, had never before engaged in combat, and their combined assault, watched by millions on TV, combined impressive accuracy with firepower to which the Iraqi forces had no answer.
90 foto in b/n, 10 pagine di profili a colori