A History in Period Photographs
Autore: Dominique François
Codice: 231790
Riccamente illustrato presenta le attività svolte da parte della 101^ divisione aviotrasportata durante e dopo lo sbarco in Normandia. Particolare attenzione viene data alle uniformi e agli equipaggiamenti che vengono presentati anche attraverso foto a colori.
On June 6, 1944, paratroopers of the legendary 101st Airborne Division jumped into Normandy with the mission of seizing exits of beaches at night before the amphibious invasion of France. They were the elite of the U.S. Army and were primed and ready to take on the Germans. This new large-format book contains over 300 photographs and a selection of full-color photographs of World War II era airborne uniforms and equipment. 101st Airborne in Normandy, written by a historian who has been interviewing many paratroopers veterans and collecting photographs for years, is one of the leading experts on U.S. Airborne units during World War II.
300 foto in b/n e a colori
22 X 28