Autore: Sylvain Ferreira
Codice: 507075001
Di Sylvain Ferreira queste due monografie dedicate ai G.I. e ai parà statunitenzi impegnate durante lo sbarco in Normandia. Riccamente illustrate con numerose foto in bianco e nero e numerosi artwork a colori illustrano le uniformi, i mezzi e gli equipaggiamenti.
The GIs were the first to hit the French beaches of Omaha and Utah at dawn on June 6, 1944. These men would experience different fates. These men, however, were the spearhead of the forces that would liberate France. In this publication you will see their equipment and how they were organized, but also the fighting undertaken by various units after landing at Utah and Omaha on the morning of June 6!
Numerose foto in bianco e nero e numerosi artwork a colori di uniformi e mezzi
18 x 25