Autore: Hans Kissel
Codice: 283449
Ristampa di un classico originariamente pubblicato nel 2010. Lo studio offre un resoconto molto dettagliato del Volkssturm tedesco, o Guardia nazionale. Formata da uomini non idonei al servizio militare, giovani e anziani, questa formazione ad hoc vide estesi combattimenti durante la disperata difesa del Reich, 1944-1945. L’autore descrive l’addestramento, la leadership, l’organizzazione, l’armamento e l’equipaggiamento del Volkssturm, oltre al suo servizio attivo sia sul fronte orientale che su quello occidentale.
A companion volume to our very successful In a Raging Inferno - Combat Units of the Hitler Youth, Hans Kissel's study offers a highly detailed account of the German Volkssturm, or Home Guard. Formed from men unfit for military service, the young, and the old, this ad-hoc formation saw extensive combat during the desperate defence of the Reich, 1944–45.
The author describes the Volkssturm’s training, leadership, organisation, armament and equipment, in addition to its active service on both the Eastern and Western fronts. The text is supported by an extensive selection of appendices, including translations of documents and many fascinating eyewitness combat reports. This edition also includes over 150 previously unpublished b/w photos, and 4 pages of specially commissioned colour uniform plates by Stephen Andrew.
This book was first published by Helion over 14 years ago.
Oltre 160 foto in bianco e nero e 4 tavole a colori
22 x 30