

Autore: A cura di John Jordan

Codice: 2850602024

€ 54,00

Edizione 2024 di questo famoso annuario che contiene interessanti articoli, tutti scritti da noti esperti sul disegno, sviluppo e carriera operativa delle navi da combattimento di tutto il mondo. Ogni articolo è corredato da piani di costruzione, tabelle di dati tecnici e foto in bianco e nero.  In questo numero un articolo è dedicato alle cacciatorpediniere giapponesi classe Matsu e Tachibana, al sommergibile tascabile italiano CRDA, alle fregata Suffren e Duquesne francesi e al Seeadler tedesco della prima guerra mondiale.


The 2024 edition of Warship, the celebrated annual publication featuring original research on the history, development, and service of the world's warships.

For over 45 years, Warship has been the leading annual resource on the design, development, and deployment of the world's combat ships. Featuring a broad range of articles from a select panel of distinguished international contributors, this latest volume combines original research, new book reviews, warship notes, an image gallery, and much more, maintaining the impressive standards of scholarship and research with which Warship has become synonymous. Detailed and accurate information is the hallmark of all the articles, which are fully supported by plans, data tables, and stunning photographs.

This year's Warship includes features on Imperial Japan's Matsu and Tachibana destroyer classes, the Italian CRDA midget submarines, France's 1960s missile frigates Suffren and Duquesne, and Germany's sailing raider of World War I, Seeadler.

Table of Contents

Missile Frigates Suffren Duquesne

Battleship Bouvet

Matsu & Tachibana Classes

Nagato Mutsu

German Flak ships Pt II

CRDA Midget Submarines

Iwami [ex-Orel]

German Raider Seeadler Pt I

Soviet Flotilla Leader Tashkent

RN Fishery Protection Ships

Goeben Action 10 May 1915

Warship Notes

Naval Books of the Year

Warship Image Gallery




Riccamente illustrato con foto in bianco e nero




20 x 28
