The clothes, weapons and accoutrements of the Scots at war from 1460-1600
Autore: Jenn Scott
Codice: 283371
Il libro esamina in modo chiaro gli abiti, le armi e gli equipaggiamenti degli scozzesi in guerra tra il 1460 e il 1600 utilizzando un'ampia gamma di fonti.
The Men of Warre examines the clothes, weapons and accoutrements of the Scots at war between 1460 and 1600 using a wide range of sources to present a clear picture of the what the highland and lowland Scots were wearing and fighting with in this crucial and turbulent period in Scotland’s history. Scott has carefully drawn together a myriad of sources to present a picture of the Scots from the late medieval to the cusp of the early modern period and the material culture of war.
14 foto in bianco e nero e 8 illustrazioni a colori
18 x 25