From Tarawa, Leyte Gulf, and Okinawa, to Museum Ship
Autore: David Doyle
Codice: 2311298020
Monografie a cura di David Doyle con foto in gran parte inedite corredate da esaustive didascalie presentano il disegno, la costruzione, il varo e la carriera operativa della nave presa in esame.
The fourth and final battleship in the South Dakota class, the USS Alabama served in both the Atlantic and Pacific during World War II, participating in many of the most famous battles of the war. Armed with nine 16-inch guns, 20 5-inch guns, and a myriad of 40 mm and 20 mm weapons, Alabama was one of the most powerful warships afloat. This volume illustrates the modifications and improvements made to the ship during her service, and the battles fought by her men. The battleship today is a floating museum and veterans memorial moored in Mobile Bay in her namesake state of Alabama. Additional detailed photos capture the workings of this powerful, complex warship. Through carefully researched archival documents and photographs, the history of this iconic warship and the men who crewed it is presented in this profusely illustrated volume.
240 foto a colori e in bianco e nero
23 x 23