Autore: John Mclllnurray
Codice: 236027
Illustratissimo manuale dedicato alle tecniche avanzate per la costruzione, la modifica, l’elaborazione e l’autocostruzione di modelli statici di aerei.
Todays model aircraft kits are more advanced than ever, including levels of detail unimaginable a few years ago. Yet there is still much that cannot be reproduced out of the box and enthusiastic modellers are attracted by advanced techniques and materials to increase the realism of their models further still.
The techniques described in this book will enable the modeller to improve detail, create versions of a type not offered by the kit manufacturer, recreate realistic weathering, even battle damage, and to create parts from scratch in a variety of materials.
Topics include: Using brass-etch detail Scratchbuilding detail Making and using vac-form parts and kits Combining kits Making parts from resin Creating realist battle damage Making decals Weathering Making display bases
Interamente illustrato a colori
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