EVERY BULLET HAS ITS BILLET - A Guide to Wargaming the Late 17th Century
Autore: Barry Hilton
Codice: 283258002
From the Restoration of England’s monarchy until the end of the War of the League of Augsburg, nearly every country in Europe experienced conflict. Until recently, this period was perceived as a wargaming backwater overshadowed by the Thirty Years War fought 1618-1648 and the War of the Spanish Succession which followed from 1701-1714.
It is one of military history’s most colourful and exciting eras which saw the birth of regular armies and navies for most major European powers. Massive battles were fought on land and at sea from the frozen winters of Scandinavia to the searing summer heat of North Africa. Alliances were agreed, broken and remade and thrones changed hands in the name of religion and the pursuit of power.
This guide provides the kind of information wargamers require to take the step into a new period or, begin collecting a new army. It overviews the main conflicts and outlines major, minor and unusual battles.
How to create and paint your troops, information on uniforms and flags, which regiments fought where, the evolution of tactics and battlefield doctrines together with information on the legendary commanders who created them is all included.
The book is designed to act as a reference source and is not aligned with any particular rule set.
The title is a quote from a man who was a major influence on the entire period; Willem van Oranje, King William III.
"Every Bullet Has Its Billet is a delight from start to finish. Barry Hilton’s enthusiasm for his period shines through and his argument for playing late 17th Century warfare is compelling. He also does not miss any potential objection to playing this fascinating era of warfare. It should be easier for English Civil War or Thirty Years War gamers to stretch out to this period with their current resources than for early 18th Century wargamers to reach back, but that is not a knock on Hilton’s excellent guidance for what is for most of us a leap into the unknown....Well, it was unknown, but thanks to Every Bullet Has Its Billet late 17th Century wargaming has arrived and waiting for you to play!" Wargames Illustrated
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