Autore: Werner Palinckx
Codice: 400010
Per collezionisti, storici, modellisti e tutti gli appassionati di storia militare della seconda guerra mondiale questo approfondito studio sulle uniformi invernali dell’esercito Tedesco, Luftwaffe e Waffen-SS del periodo che va dal 1942 al 1945. Il ricco apparato iconografico che comprende oltre 1.100 foto a colori e 250 foto dell’epoca in bianco e nero illustra in dettaglio lo sviluppo dell’uniforme invernale modello 42 per le truppe impegnate sul Fronte Orientale dove la temperatura scendeva spesso sotto lo zero e le successive versioni per la Wehrmacht, la Luftwaffe e le Waffen-SS. Tratta in minuzioso dettaglio tutte le uniformi e gli accessori, i mimetismi, le insegne di grado, ecc.
Comprising 448 pages, this illustrated book is the first comprehensive reference covering winter uniforms used by the German Army, Air Force and Waffen-SS during the period from 1942 to 1945.
The book is intended for collectors, historians, model makers and those with an interest in military history.
German army uniform was completely unsuitable for waging in the east, where temperatures often dropped below zero , This made it necessary to deal with the climactic conditions on the Eastern Front.
This book was the creation of the winter suit 42 winter uniform, the first of its kind, and the following versions for the Army, Air Force and Waffen SS later in the war. First the complete winter uniform - balaclava, parka, trousers and mittens - is illustrated in all its details.
More than 250 original photos, and more than 1,100 color images - complete views and close-ups of 15 different camouflage patterns are used to provide a detailed description of the development of the winter uniform during the Second World War. This work is based on 30 years of research and collecting by the author. Thanks to the generous collaboration of renowned collectors and museums it is possible to present a unique piece of original pieces, including several very rare examples. Finally this volume deals with several uniforms derived from the original design by Neckermann. In conclusion, the book badges created specially for winter uniforms.
Over 1,100 color images, more than 250 original photo, english text. 448 pages
Oltre 1.000 foto a colori e oltre 250 foto dell'epoca in bianco e nero
23 x 30,5