Crowood Wargaming Guides
Autore: Peter Morbey
Codice: 236013
Guida illustrata per i giocatori di wargames con oltre 290 foto a colori e consigli utili sulla scelta delle miniature, l’organizzazione degli eserciti di Francia, Inghilterra, Russia, Prussia e Austria durante il periodo napoleonico, le uniformi e la formazione di battaglia, la pittura dei pezzi e capitolo dedicato agli stendardi degli eserciti coinvolti nelle guerre del periodo.
This book describes the creation of a wargames' army and provides essential guidance for someone starting out in wargaming through to the more experienced gamer. With over 290 colour photographs, it describes how the armies of the main nations - France, Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria - were organized. It illustrates the uniforms and battle formations using computer-aided plans. Practical modelling techniques are demonstrated from basic to more advanced. It provides detailed painting guides with accompanying step-by-step photographs, and finally, there is a chapter on the flags carried by these five armies during the wars.
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19 x 25